Links to results in email notifications

Links to results in email notifications

Notifications of onboarding job results now show the individual results directly in the email message.

Individual shortcuts open the respective results directly in the Onedot app.

Display of pending feedback tasks

Display of pending feedback tasks

The number of other pending tasks in a job is now displayed in various places such as the progress bar, the task overview, and the individual tasks themselves.

Users can see at any time how much work is still outstanding and where exactly the processing of onboarding orders stands in the overall process.

Improved suggestions for next tasks

Improved suggestions for next tasks

The generation of suggestions for which tasks should be worked on next has been further improved.

The user currently working on the task will now also be taken into account accordingly. The same applies to tasks that have been assigned to a group but are currently being worked on by myself.

This further optimizes the processing of tasks, with the aim of being able to complete onboarding assignments as quickly as possible.

Improved notification page

Improved notification page

The settings for subscribing to email notifications have been revised and are now more intuitive.

The number of subscriptions per channel is now also displayed, and the icons of each subscription better illustrate which objects have been subscribed to notifications.

New article on subscribing to email notifications

New article on subscribing to email notifications

A new article in the Onedot Help describes how to create subscriptions for email notifications about important events in the Onedot app.

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