Color code of tasks and problems

Color code of tasks and problems

Tasks and problems are now also displayed in different colors.

The color represents the severity of the problems in the task:

- Red means that the task contains errors that must be solved

- Yellow means that there may be problems that need to be solved

- Green means that everything is correct and consistent, and no further problems are likely to occur

New article on feedback for product classification

New article on feedback for product classification

A new article in the Onedot Help describes how you can easily and efficiently provide feedback on a large number of suggestions for products to be categorized in the Onedot app.

Focus when saving

Focus when saving

Saving feedback tasks now ensures that the current focus is restored after saving.

This means that feedback tasks can also be solved conveniently over longer periods of time without losing context.

New article on data analysis and profiling

New article on data analysis and profiling

A new article in Onedot Help describes how product data can be analyzed easily and efficiently to determine initial quality and potential problems during processing.

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