Revised email for new users

Revised email for new users

The emails for new users have been revised and now also display more detailed information to enable them to start working with Onedot successfully.

At the same time, the design of the emails was also updated.

New article on mapping source attributes to multiple target attributes

New article on mapping source attributes to multiple target attributes

A new article in the Onedot Help describes how source attributes from a supplier catalog can be efficiently mapped to target attributes during the attribute mapping step during onboarding.

Update date of task groups

Update date of task groups

Grouped tasks now show the latest update date in the task view.

Sorting by this date allows simple processing in chronological order.

New article about Onedot AI and machine learning

New article about Onedot AI and machine learning

A new article in the Onedot Help Center shows in detail how the Onedot AI uses advanced algorithms and machine learning to deliver better and more precise suggestions over time, also thanks to continuous feedback from experts and users of the Onedot platform.

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