Global attributes in feedback tasks

Global attributes in feedback tasks

Feedback tasks for attribute mapping now display global attributes again in all relevant views of the task.

This issue has been resolved and the fix is now available in the Onedot app.

More enhanced product tours

More enhanced product tours

Other product tours have been revised again and made even more understandable based on customer feedback.

Try it yourself and write us your suggestions and ideas for improvement!

Changed behavior of the search in the progress bar

Changed behavior of the search in the progress bar

The default behavior of the progress indicator has been changed so that the search searches the Provider column by default, not the Name column.

This allows for faster searches for onboarding from specific suppliers and data sources.

Advanced descriptions of Onedot App endpoints

Advanced descriptions of Onedot App endpoints

Description of Onedot platform endpoints can now include formatted text with links.

This can be used to store references to further documentation or similar information.

Completeness of feedback tasks in real time

Completeness of feedback tasks in real time

The completeness of feedback tasks is now updated in real time.

This way you always have the current overview of the open feedback that still needs to be given.

Requests for roles to user managers

Requests for roles to user managers

Users can now request for appropriate rights like specific roles in their groups.

The request is automatically routed to a user with Manager Users rights, who can process the request in the My Tasks view of the Onedot app.

Revised report and statistics functionality

Revised report and statistics functionality

The behavior of the progress bar and the record statistics display has been further enhanced.

The report generation button has been renamed, notifications and progress bars have been improved, and the name of the generated report contains more information.

All reports are now available in Excel format (if file size allows).

Your feedback counts.
Send us your ideas and tell us what you like about the Onedot platform or where we can improve.
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