Last completed task completes work step

Last completed task completes work step

The Onedot app now automatically marks the corresponding work step as complete when the last feedback task has been completed.

Onboarding will then continue as usual.

Improved behavior of checkboxes in feedback tasks

Improved behavior of checkboxes in feedback tasks

The behavior of the Feedback given? column in feedback tasks now also correctly considers pasting from the clipboard and canceling a value selection.

This makes the processing of larger feedback tasks in particular much easier and more user-friendly.

Completeness of feedback tasks in the progress bar

Completeness of feedback tasks in the progress bar

The progress bar of the Onedot app now also shows the completeness of feedback tasks.

This allows users to quickly get an overview of which steps still require how much feedback.

Improved file downloading

Improved file downloading

When downloading files that may have an incorrect file extension or have been incorrectly recognized, a link is now displayed in the notification to change and override the format.

The same mechanism as for the generation of custom file formats will be used for this, so predefined file types can be reused.

Target definitions and user-defined separators

Target definitions and user-defined separators

Target definitions in the Onedot app now support custom delimiters.

Reasonable default values are still suggested.

Your feedback counts.
Send us your ideas and tell us what you like about the Onedot platform or where we can improve.
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