Improved search for subtasks

Improved search for subtasks

The search in the task list has been improved so that even subtasks can be found easily.

Tasks from specific onboarding steps can be easily found by specifying the source, step name, and part.

Display of the completeness of feedback tasks

Display of the completeness of feedback tasks

The task list of the Onedot app now also displays additional information such as number of feedback suggestions, progress, and more.

As a result, teams' efforts in solving feedback tasks can be reduced and better planned.

More intuitive dialog for managing groups

More intuitive dialog for managing groups

The Onedot app now also shows improved input screens with hints about mandatory information to be filled in.

One example is the newly designed dialog for managing groups.

Display of the last login date

Display of the last login date

User management now displays the exact last login date of a user during a month, which enables improved collaboration with suppliers.

For longer periods of inactivity, a general status message is displayed, as this information is no longer available for privacy reasons.

Improved data transmission

Improved data transmission

The transfer of data sets such as product catalogs and feedback tasks between the browser and the Onedot platform has been further optimized.

Results are a much faster storage of larger data sets on which many processing steps have been performed.

Smarter paste from clipboard

Smarter paste from clipboard

The record view of the Onedot app now supports smart pasting of data from the clipboard.

The text from the clipboard is analyzed and it is ensured that unwanted characters such as spaces at the end of the text or newline characters for product attributes, not their values, are cleaned up.

Explanations in brief

Explanations in brief

The Onedot app now also displays brief information as notes when using actions for the first time. Of course, these hints can also be switched off after taking note of them.

When using filters in records, when downloading files in certain format, and when searching for files without results, such hints are now displayed.

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