Correct display of tasks for order steps

Correct display of tasks for order steps

The display of feedback tasks on the respective order steps has been improved.

Previously, in individual cases, tasks were not linked correctly, which led to questions from users.

Problem display for filtered data

Problem display for filtered data

In case of problems with a feedback task, a message is displayed in each case, where by clicking the relevant problems are displayed directly in the record view.

In case of filters set by the user or by the Onedot platform, it was possible that the origin of the problems could not be displayed, which is now fixed.

Refresh page with multiple tabs

Refresh page with multiple tabs

Refreshing the page in your browser that displays the Onedot app now also takes into account tabs in the respective views.

This now also allows you to save them as bookmarks in your browser.

More intuitive "My Tasks" view

More intuitive "My Tasks" view

This view in the Onedot app has been redesigned. There is now a direct action to start an onboarding of a product data catalog. The dialog for requesting product data from suppliers and vendors has also been simplified.

For suppliers and sellers on marketplaces, pending requests for product data are now also displayed in the "My Tasks" view, where the upload of product data can be started right away.

Improved editing of tables

Improved editing of tables

A larger number of various problems have been solved in the data editor, including improved ad-hoc filtering, more stable cell selection, better handling of text input, and much more.

We thank our customers who share their ideas, improvements and wishes with us. Do you have any? Write us at

Faster Onedot App

Faster Onedot App

A number of improvements regarding the speed of the Onedot app have been implemented.

Users and groups are now loaded faster. Larger data sets with complex conditions and checks are now much faster to open and edit.

Longer password reset limits

Longer password reset limits

Due to the distributed nature of our users across organizations and regions, password reset requests are not uncommon.

The links in emails to reset a password are therefore now valid for up to 24 hours.

Your feedback counts.
Send us your ideas and tell us what you like about the Onedot platform or where we can improve.
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