Simplified Onedot API queries for orders

Simplified Onedot API queries for orders

The Onedot API queries which return jobs, their steps and linked objects like tasks has been simplified.

Each step of a task now contains direct properties files and tasks to get files and feedback tasks in a query.

Functionality for image editing

Functionality for image editing

The media management module of the Onedot platform now supports predefined media settings and media cropping/editing.

Any changes to media are immediately reflected in the product data catalog and are scalable upon import and highly downloadable worldwide from the Onedot Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Publication and validation of target definitions

Publication and validation of target definitions

Target definitions now also support automatic validation as in feedback tasks.

If errors are made in the data modeling, target definitions show corresponding hints. Target definitions that contain errors cannot be published, but remain saved as a draft until the errors are corrected. After that, the target definition can be published again and is available for onboarding jobs.

Advanced support for target definitions

Advanced support for target definitions

Target definitions in the Onedot app now support additional units of measure directly for selection, various validation for integers and floating point numbers, and the concept of product families.

Product families model related product types for which the same attributes are defined and whose values are mandatory or voluntary.

Improved Onedot API documentation

Improved Onedot API documentation

The Onedot API documentation now shows more examples of GraphQL queries and mutation, as well as more detailed information on services quotas and limits.

Users of the Onedot API can thus more easily start taking the first steps towards automation with the Onedot platform.

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