Assigning target definition properties when importing

Assigning target definition properties when importing

When importing target definition data, the data no longer has to match the property names.

Thanks to a simple assignment process, columns can be easily assigned to Onedot target definition properties.

New message center

New message center

Notifications that you have subscribed to now appear in the notification center at the top of the Onedot app.

Past events remain and can be retraced at any time.

More download options

More download options

Now both the original data and the already processed data can be downloaded.

The Download button offers both options, so that, for example, the original catalog can be analyzed as it was originally uploaded.

Display of the progress of feedback tasks

Display of the progress of feedback tasks

The task list in the Onedot app now shows the progress in solving the task in the overview.

This makes it easy to focus on the most important tasks.

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