Validate values based on patterns

Validate values based on patterns

Values in cells of a dataset can now also be validated by pattern, not only by allowed values.

The functionality allows easy checking of the formats of MPNs, EANs, GTINs, and other numbers and is also performed when feedback tasks are completed.

More context in categorisation feedback

More context in categorisation feedback

Feedback tasks for product classification now contain even more context for improved decisions: In addition to category names, category IDs and path are now also displayed in the classification hierarchy.

In addition, further product attributes can be displayed in the tasks so that you as a user can find your way around the range even faster.

Category-specific statistics

Category-specific statistics

The statistics view of records now allows to calculate statistics per criterion, for example per product category, product type, etc.

This makes it easy to determine the product coverage of assortments, the data quality of individual product types, and other metrics.

Filtering of allowed values

Filtering of allowed values

Filtering of attributes is now also possible for allowed values, with different strategies.

With Some Allowed Value results are displayed where the corresponding attribute has at least the desired value, with Every Allowed Value only results are displayed which have all corresponding values.

This allows, for example, queries about target attributes and whether they were associated during attribute mapping.

More context in categorization tasks

More context in categorization tasks

Feedback tasks for product classification can now also contain additional product attributes as context.

The attributes used can be configured per onboarding and help to make decisions faster and more reliably.

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