In-App Chat for Support

In-App Chat for Support

The Onedot app now also offers the possibility to chat directly with the Onedot support team.

The support team answers your questions about the operation of the Onedot app or other topics directly in the chat during business hours.

Please leave your email address in case we do not contact you immediately, so that we can answer your request as soon as possible.

Context Help

Context Help

The Onedot logo in the navigation bar now displays helpful information depending on the context.

During the processing of a data set or a feedback task, suitable keyboard commands are displayed which are currently available and useful.

Improved semantic attribute/value mapping

Improved semantic attribute/value mapping

The Attribute Mapping platform module has been enhanced in Named Entity Recognition with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) algorithms, further improving precision/recall for related terms, synonyms, and similar concepts.

Similar algorithms also improve the semantic mapping of attribute values during product data normalization.

Older notifications

Older notifications

Notifications from previous events are now still available for a period of time.

The bell changes to blue as soon as new notifications are available, older notifications are no longer displayed after closing the browser.

Links to Help, Trouble-Shooting, Frequently Asked Questions, etc.

Links to Help, Trouble-Shooting, Frequently Asked Questions, etc.

The Onedot app now includes a help center, tips and tricks, trouble shooting, and additional links to further documentation as well as opportunities for feedback.

The online documentation is continuously being expanded, please let us know your suggestions and additions via our product portal.

News directly in the Onedot App

News directly in the Onedot App

News from the Onedot platform are now also displayed directly in the Onedot app without having to leave the app.

Adaptive parallelization for endpoints

Adaptive parallelization for endpoints

Support for a wide variety of endpoints and their protocols is newly offered by Adaptive Parallelization.

Requests to third-party endpoints are automatically throttled to avoid overloading content provider servers and other data sources.

Your feedback counts.
Send us your ideas and tell us what you like about the Onedot platform or where we can improve.
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