Integration with AX-Semantics NLG Cloud

Integration with AX-Semantics NLG Cloud

The Onedot platform now offers automatic text generation for product data, thanks to an integration with AX Semantics, an AI-driven Natural Language Generation (NLG) software with support for over 100 languages.

Onedot customers can thus have unique and high-quality content, target group-oriented product descriptions, optimized SEO texts and much more automatically generated from structured data during product data onboarding on the Onedot platform.

Filtering as in Excel

Filtering as in Excel

The behavior of the filter dialog has been further improved and aligned with Microsoft Excel.

A large part of the users of the Onedot platform use Excel in their daily work and will now be able to find their way around even better and take advantage of the data filtering options.

Batch editing of record cells

Batch editing of record cells

It is now possible to select multiple cells in data sets and edit them simultaneously.

Use Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+Click to select multiple cells with the mouse, Ctrl/Cmd+Enter to edit all selected cells and finish with Enter.

Press Esc to exit batch edit mode and the previous selection will be restored.

Feedback column and auxiliary columns

Feedback column and auxiliary columns

Feedback tasks can now also be equipped by users with additional help columns, for example, to further structure the feedback or to store additional comments in addition to the comment function.

Changes in these auxiliary columns do not affect the yellow feedback column, which ensures correct accounting of given feedback at all times.

Improved data transfer via GraphQL

Improved data transfer via GraphQL

Exchange of files via the Onedot API using GraphQL has been further improved: Contents of feedback tasks of work steps of a data pipeline can now also be downloaded.

In addition, any error messages have been formulated more clearly, it is now possible to transfer several product catalogs, dictionaries, etc. at the same time, and the recognition of the correct MIME types of various file formats has been improved.

Task data no longer available

Task data no longer available

Feedback tasks can now still be opened even if the original product data or any linked value lists have been deleted in the meantime.

Better detection of corrupt Excel catalogs

Better detection of corrupt Excel catalogs

The platform module for reading Excel product catalogs can now better handle corrupt Excel files.

In addition, unavailable linked data in Excels is now consistently ignored.

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