Expert Talk: Is a PIM an indispensable part of the product experience?

Is it possible to imagine the product experience without a PIM?

High-quality product data is the basis for successful e-commerce. Only with correct and complete data is the customer sufficiently informed and makes an informed decision about a product. Accurate descriptions and data are also highly relevant for the product experience after purchase. If the product meets the customer's expectations, this increases satisfaction and reduces the complaint rate.

Individual product experiences for a successful customer journey

The experience that connects the customer with the product on the way within the customer journey is the product experience. The independent term makes it clear that customer experiences with high-quality product data have become an indispensable part of the shopping experience. And here, too, the trend is toward personalized marketing, i.e., emotional, individual product experiences. This presents many companies with the challenge of providing target group-specific product data in order to keep pace in the market. Product information management systems (PIM systems) are usually recommended for managing and maintaining this data.

For our Expert Talk in March, we were able to win Marco Kahler, Director PIM of the PIM Competence Center of valantic GmbH, as an absolute PIM expert. With over 20 years of experience in the PIM market and his work in the areas of sales, marketing and business development at the PIM Competence Center, as well as his special interest in consulting and system evaluation, he is the perfect contact for all questions regarding product data, its management and the selection and introduction of PIM systems.

The PIM project as a path to successful product data

The market for PIM systems is huge, with around 170 providers at present. It seems almost impossible to get a quick and well-founded overview. This raises the question of whether product data can actually be managed in ERP systems or other systems, and what importance a PIM actually has in the design of the product experience, Product Experience Management (PXM). After all, the introduction of a new solution always involves the investment of time, money and resources. So when does a PIM become worthwhile, when is the right time for the project, and how and, above all, why should a company seek support?

In our Expert Talk, we were able to explore the question of whether a PIM is still indispensable for the product experience and what added value a PIM can generate in the customer journey. After all, the use of a PIM holds enormous potential for use at existing and new touchpoints. Thus, the right system, together with a well-planned introduction and implementation, high data quality and the wise use of functions and tools, can sustainably improve processes and the e-commerce of a company and open up new markets. How this introduction with all its components and the following data usage can proceed was as much a topic of discussion as the risks and challenges companies can encounter during a PIM introduction. So don't miss the recording of our Expert Talk to find out for yourself what role a PIM already plays or could play in your product experience!

On May 25, 2023, we are pleased to welcome Stephan Ruggle from ruggle management ag to our Expert Talk. Together, we will address the important topic of what opportunities companies that have slept through digitization actually still have today. It's best if you register now!

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